Author: Eller
What is the Israel Lobby and what influence does it have?
Pro-Israel organizations shape UK-US foreign policy The idea that an Israeli Lobby exists is not new. Indeed, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) describes itself as ‘America’s pro-Israel lobby’. Established in 1960, AIPAC monitors issues ranging from strengthening the US-Israel relationship to opposing anti-Israel discrimination. The Lobby works not simply by funding and campaigning…
What do you need to know to call for an end to the slaughter in Gaza?
Calling for a ceasefire in Gaza is a moral imperative. “Genocide is the crime of crimes. It is not a political issue. It is a moral issue. Defying genocide and rejecting all complicity with those who commit genocide is a moral imperative. … It is about standing, no matter the cost, with the oppressed ……
Speak up for change!
It is hard to see the purpose of speaking out when no one seems to be listening but there is strength in numbers and we must continue to grow ours. “Many of us like to ask ourselves, “What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or Apartheid? What…
What can you do when you are accused of antisemitism for speaking out against Israel’s actions in the Middle East?
The best way to deal with being called antisemitic is to be prepared for it. Speaking out against what the state of Israel is doing is an act of courage with the potential for ‘life-changing’ consequences. To speak out is to invite accusations of ignorance if not antisemitism; of sympathising with terrorists; to risk being…